how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus

Git Tools: Methods for Finding Git Timestamps

When using version control systems such as Git, the precision and accuracy of timestamps hold significant importance for effective collaboration and project management. This blog presents two distinct methods to acquire comprehensive timestamps in the context of Git and GitHub. These methods offer users flexibility based on their workflows and preferences.

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how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Commit and Push Changes to a Git submodule

We will explore the process of updating a git submodule. Git submodules are repositories that are embedded within a parent Git repository. This allows us to work with multiple repositories simultaneously. We will learn how to make changes to a submodule, commit the changes, and then push them to the submodule's Git repository. Finally, we will pull those changes from our main project repository

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git, dev, how-to Peter Girnus git, dev, how-to Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Pull the Latest Changes For A Git Submodule or Git Submodules

In this tutorial, you will learn how to update git submodules using the git command. The git submodule foreach command can be used to run commands on each submodule. We will use this functionality to pull changes from each submodule repository. When managing large Git repositories, submodules often include external repositories as dependencies within the main project. Git helps us maintain a reference to each of these submodules inside the .gitmodules file. Keeping these submodules up-to-date ensures your project benefits from the latest changes and improvements in upstream Git repositories.

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git, how-to, programming Peter Girnus git, how-to, programming Peter Girnus

Git Tools - How Do I Git Clone a Specific Commit Using Git?

Do you find yourself in a situation where you need to clone a GitHub repository but only want to retrieve a specific commit from the repository on the master branch? If yes, you can use a simple yet effective trick to get that commit. You can use git clone along with git reset to clone that particular commit and not the latest one. This trick is especially useful when you want to access a specific code version. By cloning a particular commit, you can access the exact code version you need. So, if you want to clone a GitHub repository and retrieve a specific commit, this trick is for you!

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git, programming, how-to Peter Girnus git, programming, how-to Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Including a Git Repo Into Another Repo Using Git Submodules

Git submodules are a powerful feature that allows you to include one repository inside another. This feature can be particularly helpful if you want to add an existing GitHub project to your project but don't want to git clone its entire repository into your project. This means you can include a library or framework in your project stored in a separate repository.

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