windows, powershell, registry, filetypes Peter Girnus windows, powershell, registry, filetypes Peter Girnus

Where to Find File Extension Associations in the Windows Registry

This tutorial shows you how to find the location of file extensions and their application associations in the Microsoft Windows Registry using PowerShell. File extensions in Windows have corresponding Registry entries instructing the Windows operating system on which application opens which file type and which extension.

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network, wireshark Peter Girnus network, wireshark Peter Girnus

Wireshark: Filter HTTP GET & POST Request Packets

Wireshark is a powerful network protocol analyzer that provides valuable insights into network traffic across each OSI model layer and the data transmitted between computers. Proficiency in filtering and analyzing HTTP requests is critical for network administrators, engineers, and cybersecurity professionals. This blog post will explore Wireshark and examine how to utilize display filters to focus exclusively on GET and POST packets in layer 7 HTTP traffic. By doing so, we can better understand HTTP traffic and identify potential security and network issues.

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how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus

Git Tools: Methods for Finding Git Timestamps

When using version control systems such as Git, the precision and accuracy of timestamps hold significant importance for effective collaboration and project management. This blog presents two distinct methods to acquire comprehensive timestamps in the context of Git and GitHub. These methods offer users flexibility based on their workflows and preferences.

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how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus how-to, git, dev Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Commit and Push Changes to a Git submodule

We will explore the process of updating a git submodule. Git submodules are repositories that are embedded within a parent Git repository. This allows us to work with multiple repositories simultaneously. We will learn how to make changes to a submodule, commit the changes, and then push them to the submodule's Git repository. Finally, we will pull those changes from our main project repository

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git, dev, how-to Peter Girnus git, dev, how-to Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Pull the Latest Changes For A Git Submodule or Git Submodules

In this tutorial, you will learn how to update git submodules using the git command. The git submodule foreach command can be used to run commands on each submodule. We will use this functionality to pull changes from each submodule repository. When managing large Git repositories, submodules often include external repositories as dependencies within the main project. Git helps us maintain a reference to each of these submodules inside the .gitmodules file. Keeping these submodules up-to-date ensures your project benefits from the latest changes and improvements in upstream Git repositories.

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nodejs, expressjs, javascript Peter Girnus nodejs, expressjs, javascript Peter Girnus

Expressjs: Organizing Routes and Routing for an API

This tutorial will show a basic Express.Js route structure using the express.Router class to build a simple API. When developing Node.js applications, organizing your code for modularity and readability is essential. Modular and organized code helps make web applications efficient in troubleshooting and testing, allowing you more time to develop great user-friendly applications.

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cybersecurity, threat-hunting, crypto Peter Girnus cybersecurity, threat-hunting, crypto Peter Girnus

Crypto Scams: Hacking Campaigns Compromise Coinbase Accounts

Cryptocurrency scams in the form of phishing attacks are a widespread and significant threat to people who use digital wallets like Coinbase and Exodus. These attacks are designed to deceive users into divulging personal information through counterfeit login pages for cryptocurrency exchanges. The ultimate goal of these attacks is to steal sensitive user information, such as login credentials. Cryptocurrency accounts without two-factor or other forms of multifactor authentication are particularly susceptible to these attacks. Attackers can also use phishing tactics to trick users into downloading and installing harmful software or malware that can be used to drain cryptocurrency wallets. Therefore, it's crucial to be vigilant and take appropriate measures to safeguard personal information and digital assets from these types of attacks.

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git, how-to, programming Peter Girnus git, how-to, programming Peter Girnus

Git Tools - How Do I Git Clone a Specific Commit Using Git?

Do you find yourself in a situation where you need to clone a GitHub repository but only want to retrieve a specific commit from the repository on the master branch? If yes, you can use a simple yet effective trick to get that commit. You can use git clone along with git reset to clone that particular commit and not the latest one. This trick is especially useful when you want to access a specific code version. By cloning a particular commit, you can access the exact code version you need. So, if you want to clone a GitHub repository and retrieve a specific commit, this trick is for you!

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git, programming, how-to Peter Girnus git, programming, how-to Peter Girnus

Git Tools - Including a Git Repo Into Another Repo Using Git Submodules

Git submodules are a powerful feature that allows you to include one repository inside another. This feature can be particularly helpful if you want to add an existing GitHub project to your project but don't want to git clone its entire repository into your project. This means you can include a library or framework in your project stored in a separate repository.

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javascript, nodejs, how-to Peter Girnus javascript, nodejs, how-to Peter Girnus

How to Install Node.JS on Windows, MacOS, and Linux

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source runtime environment built on top of the Google Chrome V8 engine. Node.js provides developers with a range of features and modules that allow them to build and execute rich applications using JavaScript. Node.js can be installed on various operating systems using package managers such as Windows winget, macOS Homebrew, and Debian APT.

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chrome, javascript, expressjs, nodejs Peter Girnus chrome, javascript, expressjs, nodejs Peter Girnus

NodeJS & ExpressJS: HTTP Requests Using the Google Chrome Devtools Console

This blog post shows you how to send HTTP GET and POST requests using the Google Chrome Developer Tools (Chrome DevTools) console. Additionally, we will set up a simple ExpressJS server using JavaScript and NodeJS to handle the HTTP requests we send through the Chrome Browser. The Google Chrome DevTools toolset allows us to analyze the code structure of webpages, analyze network connections, as well as protocol specifics such as HTTP headers and the HTTP POST body.

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linux, systems administration Peter Girnus linux, systems administration Peter Girnus

How to Setup & Configure a WebDAV Server on Ubuntu Linux and Apache

This tutorial shows how to install and configure a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) server on modern Ubuntu Linux using Apache or Apache2. The WebDAV protocol is an OSI Application layer protocol that extends the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The WebDAV protocol is a writeable and collaborative medium beyond the read-only scope. Most modern operating systems and HTTP servers support WebDAV and security extensions for TLS and SSL.

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chrome, how-to, linux Peter Girnus chrome, how-to, linux Peter Girnus

How-to: Install Chromium (open-source Google Chrome) Web Browser on Ubuntu Linux (ARM64)

The following steps should be followed to install the Chromium web browser on Ubuntu Linux (arm64). Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution supported and maintained by Canonical. The Chromium web browser is the open-source version of the popular Google Chrome browser. This tutorial will install Chromium on Canonical Ubuntu Linux on ARM64 architecture. The Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) is a processor architecture primarily intended for mobile phones and other interconnected devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). The ARM architecture is frequently encountered by developers and technologists through its integration into Apple computers by way of Apple Silicon (ARM Architecture), such as iPhones, Mac, and MacBook, and this often brings unexpected issues, particularly concerning VMWare Fusion. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu (arm64) as the official Google Chrome is packaged for amd64 and NOT arm64. Chromium is a free, open-source web browser project created by Google, whereas Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google using Chromium source code.

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cybersecurity, malware, threat-hunting Peter Girnus cybersecurity, malware, threat-hunting Peter Girnus

Footsteps of WMIGhost - Advanced Malware Continues to Abuse Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

While threat hunting a JavaScript file was discovered resembling components of WMIGhost, known as Wimmie/Syndicasec and frequently attributed to the Thrip APT group. This Malware, designed for Microsoft Windows, leverages the Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to extract information about the infected host then sending WMI data to the attacker's command-and-control (C2) server.

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rust, macos Peter Girnus rust, macos Peter Girnus

Rust MacOS - How To Install Using Homebrew

Installing Rust on MacOS, including M1, is easy using Homebrew. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Rust from a Mac terminal without an installer by using the Homebrew package manager to download rustup and execute the rustup-init script, which we can run in order to install and configure the entire Rust toolchain and its dependencies.

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windows Peter Girnus windows Peter Girnus

Windows bashrc File: PowerShell Equivalent

While the Windows Operating system does not have a bashrc file, an equivalent Windows $PROFILE variable contains paths to the PowerShell profiles available in the current session. We can use this $PROFILE variable to build an equivalent bashrc file and refresh this file through the Windows terminal.

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rust, windows Peter Girnus rust, windows Peter Girnus

Install Rust on Windows: From the Terminal

Easily Install Rust on Windows 10 or Windows 11. I will show you how to install Rust without an installer using the Windows Package Manager (winget) to install Rust with rustup, the Rust toolchain, and the necessary dependencies such as Visual Studio build tools and Desktop development with C++ tool set. Once installed, we will compile a rust program to demonstrate a successful installation!

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